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  • katielove16

Better late than never

Since my last post I had the plate put into my clavicle or should I say plates ! Thanks to Mr Guryel and Mr Edwards I now have a clavicle that represents maccano ( 2 interlocking plates and 12 screws) and it works a dream , with a fair bit of clearing out of scar tissue it was hoped that this would release the compression , after the swelling went down It became clear that we needed to re-visit the potential of having my 1st Rib removed if intense physiotherapy failed to relieve my symptoms.

Luckly enough the only issue that I have is what I had before like weakness and pallor , the surgery went really smoothly and I healed pretty quickly. Now it was time to enjoy riding before my next and final operation 🤞🏻 Which meant a trip to Port pollencea to ride up and down some popular yet impressive mountains on the road bike with friends Although the weather was atrocious , I mean it was like 5 degrees , horizontal rain and gale force winds every day !!! I still enjoyed the time we were out especially cilmbing to Sa Calobra and the descent was epic , however note: tarmac slippery when wet …. I may have left some skin there before we left.

Training was going well with the help and support from Alex at The Performance Project and the idea of racing was buzzing in the back of my mind , I really wanted to do a race ,at least one this season , to fight off all those temptations was exhausting and upsetting but deep down It would have been extremely irresponsible and dangerous of me to put on those I was racing against. So like years gone by I have to trust the process and keep on keeping on.

After weekends of doing high mileage on the road , I switched it up by riding more MTB and I saw progress of my riding and confidence growing . I realised why I loved MTB so much and just wanted to keep improving , For my birthday me and Jack went to Myrth Tydfil in Wales to camp , relax and Ride Bikeparkwales !!! It was epic !!! My poor arm however it did way better than expected , we had the best time ever and is in the diary for another trip soon

The weekend before surgery we went to rogate to play , just needed to take my mind off the seriousness of the surgery and to just enjoy riding with my wingman , Surgery booked 13th September 22

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