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  • katielove16

The shambles of 2020 and new aims for 2021

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

2020 was such a strange one for us all. With the lack of racing and pretty much everything else. The only real excitement was purchasing a fancy new mask or seeing your friends on zoom.

For me, 2020 brought a wave of heartache. One I hoped would never come true. The sudden loss of my number 1 fan, my beautiful mum.

In the mist of this trauma my bikes were not only my passion, hobby and structure they became a lifeline - my saving grace and my moments of happiness within all the darkness that surrounded us.

Loosing someone so special puts everything into perspective. My bikes not only provide me with the feeling of being free, they give me the chance to see things in a different light. Whether that is listening to the leaves fall from the trees in the forest or the sound of your tires whooshing on tarmac. It truly takes you to a very special place only those who cycle know.

Mum leaving too soon has given me the hunger to grab every opportunity whilst I am able. The chance to race and cycle more with purpose - to better myself and inspire others like me.

After some encouragement from my nemesis and dear friend Harriet. I applied to join Saint Piran's (Pronounced Saint like paint with an S and Pier-an) first ever ladies squad. It was such an exciting prospect. I had an overwhelming sense of ambition to help this team grow. I was offered a place on their tier 2 "development team" and with the amazing support and coaching from Felix English my sights were well and truly set on achieving big things.

However, I have a habit of getting over-excited and don't take my condition into account. With stresses at home, learning to live without mum, and with Saint Piran being a long distance away (Cornwall). It was only right that I step back. That, combined with never having a structured training plan. I wasn't 100% sure how I or my body would react. The last thing I wanted was to feel rubbish, take up a team spot or not be able to commit physically.

My decision to step back with Saint Piran doesn't mean the door is closed. Instead, I aim to gain more experience with road and criterium racing with HUNT RT. HUNT are based locally with teammates I know and have raced with previously. This team is brought together by riders, for riders and although not as high in rankings as Saint Piran. Ollie and HUNT have already made me feel welcome.

2021 had began as 2020 left off. COVID still rearing its little head. Meaning no sight of racing for as of yet. However, with the vaccine programme roll-out maybe soon this shit show will be over. But for now, its pure "on-bike" training as gyms have also been closed.

With the help and coaching by Felix my endurance has started to improve. Naturally, I am built for sprinting and mentally sprinting is where I get my buzz. So, being asked to ride for 3 hours seemed boring and worrying as my body doesn't do well with long hours of intense exercise!

But this is why Felix is so good. He began by setting me light zone 2 for 2 to 3 hours to see how I would cope and to begin to set a base (which is important I am told). Strangely, I love it! Maybe not as much as sprinting but just being on the bike is the best. Seeing me sail past the 3 hour mark without any real issues at the moment is so exciting!

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