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  • katielove16

Positivity , Depression , Focus , Helplessness a Pic’n’Mix of this year

Yes there seems to be a theme with all my blogs , Not much positivity more desperation of getting my old self back.

Since being home from Thomas Tower Level 11 west (royal Sussex hospital) after a week of watching some incredible humans working above and beyond to care for us patients . I have been receiving my IV antibiotics daily via Pascal the PICC , The first 3 days were just enjoying being back at home with my dogs and boyfriend , However things started to get a bit wobbly come Tuesday early morning around 3am , lying in bed with a fever contemplating whether to wake Jack up , It would have been stupid not too , Had a good chat with the lady on 111 (999 is to me only if you are dying) to many people use it and abuse it ! , anyway she said a clinician will ring me back within the next 2 hours , 2 hours came and went and my fever seemed to disappear ,although feeling quite poorly I felt it would just improve and will just wait for the nurse to arrive to administer my IV antibiotics.

The lovely nurse arrived at 1ish and recommended that although my temp had gone down that it would be too much of a risk to leave it , so off i went to a&e , I still hadn't heard back from 111 but just decided that maybe they forgot after all they are so busy. A quick investigation and some bloods that went missing a UTI was pretty much confirmed but was assured I was on the highest strength of antibiotics so giving weaker ones would be pointless and off I went.

Arriving home I was feeling quite unwell , I suffer with UTI a fair bit and although it started to feel worse than it has ever done I just tried to ride it out, It didn't last long I suddenly came over in immense pain in my abdomen and uncontrollable shivers , Ice cold with my hands going completely white , I dragged myself into the bath with just the hottest tap on , re-filling every so many seconds still shivering like mad , hands and feet went white and then purple , my skin turned mottled , heart rate increasing and feeling like death with my head spinning , 2 hours later I managed to climb out still shivering trying to message as many of my doctor friends to ask for help , I knew It couldn't just be a UTI and how have I got one if I am on the strong stuff ?

Being Naïve to the potential risks that I knew about all too well , I went to bed with a fever and a bit worried I may not wake up , telling mum as much as I wanted to be with her Its too early. Come morning my abdomen was just awful I could barely walk or if i did it was a sort of bent over swaying of the legs , I was really hoping it would pass however I just got worse , to avoid 999 I got Jack to drop me down a&e and said to mention possible sepsis to try and get me seen quicker. Sat in the waiting area In a jacket shivering and feeling rather sore and out of control , I wasn't waiting for too long , Heart Rate sitting at 116 and a temperature at 39.9 I was swiftly moved into the back room to be monitored and to be given all sorts of magical stuff , until they where happy to take me to the Majors ward. A few tears where shed as my temperature kept spiking to 39 and just couldn't see the light at the end of this tunnel I was in.

That afternoon I was allowed home with more Antibiotics that targets UTIs and during the next couple of days my temperature improved and so did the discomfort , Just wanted to get back to killing the osteomyelitis in my clavicle.

New bag of the good stuff

Three weeks on and I am slowly improving , Just taking each day as it comes , Had to go up to 800mg of Tiecoplanin (bone antibiotics) but the bloods show improvement, I am so lucky to have got the treatment needed and getting the infection under control before the sepsis progressed far more dangerously , things can change so quickly and you know your own body.

”The experiences of the last couple of years are the building of my new foundations “

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